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 Buried man unearthed after mourner discovers he’s not actual

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Hérésiarque - Administrateur

Nombre de messages : 3261
Age : 83
Localisation : Terre d'Hérésie
Actes nécrophiles : 9
Hommes torturés : 6254
Date d'inscription : 14/08/2004

Feuille de Sadique
Aime mutiler:
Buried man unearthed after mourner discovers he’s not actual Left_bar_bleue35/150Buried man unearthed after mourner discovers he’s not actual Empty_bar_bleue  (35/150)
Possede des Crânes humains:
Buried man unearthed after mourner discovers he’s not actual Left_bar_bleue10/150Buried man unearthed after mourner discovers he’s not actual Empty_bar_bleue  (10/150)
Misanthrope :
Buried man unearthed after mourner discovers he’s not actual Left_bar_bleue15/150Buried man unearthed after mourner discovers he’s not actual Empty_bar_bleue  (15/150)

Buried man unearthed after mourner discovers he’s not actual Empty
MessageSujet: Buried man unearthed after mourner discovers he’s not actual   Buried man unearthed after mourner discovers he’s not actual EmptyLun 11 Nov - 9:09

It’s a nightmarish thought that sends a chill down the spine of even the most hardened people. Yet for one man, being buried alive wasn’t a fear but a reality.

A shocking video has emerged showing a man being pulled – alive – from a grave after a mourner heard noises coming from beneath the soil.

The visiting woman also reportedly saw some of the earth moving, at the cemetery in the suburb of Ferraz de Vasconcelos in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

The horrified woman was said to have seen scenes straight from a horror flick in which the buried man was moving his arms in an attempt to escape the grave.

According to reports, police wouldn’t believe her when she called for help, so instead she had to convince cemetery staff to come and confirm her find.

The almost-unbelievable video shows a man lying half-unconscious in the grave still largely covered by soil.

Paramedics can be seen hauling the man out onto the grass to perform crucial emergency treatment.

He was believed to have been thrown in the empty grave after being badly beaten in a fight and left at the cemetery by his adversaries.

The unnamed man is now understood to be recuperating in hospital.

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